Information System

This is the most complex system which consists of all variable message signs, inside and outside of the tunnel, including signs on the open highway. There are different variable signs that inform drivers about variable conditions on the highway. These signs have two-way communication. In case of failure on a sign, it will automatically send a message to the TMCC to report the failure.


  • 1. Vehicle height detection
  • 2. Internal illumination signs system
  • 3. Variable message signalization system
  • 4. Electric barriers
  • 5. Traffic counters
  • 6. Meteorological measuring stations
  • * It may be within one device
This system consists of the following lighting signs:

Variable message signalization system

LED Displays

Used for giving information and instructions to all participants in the traffic. They are installed on the tunnel ceiling and on the open highways on portals or half-portal metal constructions.

Traffic lights and blinkers

Installed on tunnel portals and in front of every second SOS niche.

Signs with internal illumination

Marking evacuation routes.

In tunnels, it is necessary to mark evacuation routes in case of fire. For that purpose, in each tunnel tube on pedestrian emergency walkways, on each 25 meters, there is a sign with internal illumination. The signs show evacuation route direction and the distance to the closest exit and they have to be illuminated at all times.

Internal illumination signs also mark SOS niches and pedestrian walkways.

Traffic counter

Data relevant to assessing traffic conditions (exact number of vehicles on the highway) are gathered by measuring traffic flow with traffic counters.

Traffic counters are implemented by installing inductive loops underneath an asphalt surface, which are then connected to the traffic counter. Communication with TMCC is done via IP network.

Traffic counter has a one-way communication with TMCC.

Vehicle height measuring

Vehicle height measuring device is mounted on the portal extension before plateau expansion in front of the tunnel or on the highway. Vehicle height detectors are based on active infrared technology.

The device is connected to a software module that will, at the tunnel or the highway entrance, issue a warning for the driver of a high vehicle to stop the vehicle and it will redirect it to an alternative route.

In case of detection of a vehicle that is too high, the system will, via pre-set algorithms, activate the equipment for vehicle redirection.

Meteorological measuring stations

Meteorological stations are used for gathering meteorological info about pavement conditions and are in charge of complete highway surface analysis and meteorological conditions for highway or bridge monitoring. Also, meteorological stations issue warnings about meteorological forecasts.

In addition to sensors on the meteorological station installed next to the highway, there are also sensors in the pavement that are connected with the meteorological station.

Electrical barriers

In order to secure access to the tunnels, bridges and other highway sections with possible restricted access, there is a need for robust and reliable barriers.

Taking into consideration highways width, barriers with 8m boom are installed. Barriers can be operated by operators in TMCC.